Monday, May 4, 2015

Other Space Review

Siphex's Rating: 10/10
Watch On:

Other Space is available to watch for Free on Yahoo Screen. I never expected to watch anything other than Community on Yahoo Screen because I just don’t like Yahoo Screen. Every week I would watch the new episode of Community and afterwards Other Space would pop up to watch next but I had no interest and I wanted to spend as little time on Yahoo as possible. But eventually I decided to watch it and before I knew it I had watched all eight episodes.

I like the entire crew of Other Space. All the characters are charming in their own way. They are a diverse bunch but a bit incompetent at their jobs. In the picture above you see the crew and a few extra people but ART is missing. ART is pictured below. ART was a billionaire that moved his consciousness into a robot body and then the company wen't bankrupt so he wasn't able to build a better body than the awkward one he has now. While ART isn't much to look at he is just as entertaining as the other members of the crew and he's voiced by Trace Beaulieu who did the voice of Crow T Robot in MST3K.

The crew works for the Universal Mapping Project (UMP) and which primarily does as the name implies; they explore space. Most of the time the crew is aboard their ship. Pictured below.

They run into lots of problems as soon as they leave the UMP; their inability to perform the basic tasks of their job is primarily to blame.

In the end I highly recommend the show. The interesting stories, problems, characters and scenery make it all worth watching.


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Sunday, May 3, 2015

Child of Light Review

Siphex's Rating: 8/10
Platforms: PS3,PS4,PS Vita,Wii U, Xbox 360, XBO
                  Steam: Windows

The game is much better than I thought it would be. The art work is very impressive and unique. It's also longer than I thought it would be; it actually gives you a decent amount of game play. The game controls really well and it's fun to move around. When you switch to battle mode it's a timed RPG. You can switch characters in your party and pick your attack based on the enemy type. You level up your characters through battle and add various crystals called occuli to  modify the characters behavior. There is crafting for combining occuli to make better quality versions or combine different kinds to make new ones.

Battle Mode

There are some downsides to the game though. I dislike the music; I find it kind of sad and slow. The story is also confusing and oddly worded. Maybe the story makes more sense in another language. The story is primarily told through text. I feel like every time the story dialog comes up, I'm missing an inside joke. It reads like a poem and has rhymes occasionally. The game has Uplay integration so if you're like me then you'll be annoyed by that. If you play it on a console like the XBO you'll be prompted to sign in or sign up for Uplay. If you don't want to then the only option is to Remind Me Later. I like some of the games that come under the Ubisoft name but I've never thought they were a good company.

Overall I'd recommend playing the game if you like RPGs.

Developers Website:
Wikipedia Page:

AdVenture Capitalist Review

Siphex's Rating: 7/10
Platforms: Android
                  Steam: Windows

Do you hate math? Or Numbers? What about really big and unfamiliar numbers? How do you feel about clicking a whole bunch for seemingly no reason? If you hate any of these things then be prepared to hate one more thing. If you like all of those things then I have some good news for you.

I present my review for AdVenture Capitalist. I played the Steam version of the game but the buttons are large and I get the impression the game was designed with phones and tablets in mind. The game plays just as well on Steam though. The game is Free to Play but you can buy gold with real money to help you along if you want. The game doesn't have any ads and it's not pushy about getting you to buy the gold.

The game is about buying and selling various products to make ludicrous amounts of money. To give you an idea of how much money you might have I made $94.530 Cenuntillion. One Cenuntillion is 10^306 (Source).  You also buy upgrades and hire managers to sell stuff for you. You can also hire managers with Angel Investors. You have to start the game over to earn Angel Investors. You earn Angel Investors as you play but you don't get them unless you sell all your shares and start over from scratch.

Trying to keep track of the numbers is pretty difficult but the game is fun for a while anyways. It won't cost you anything to play so it's hard to hate game. You will get bored after a while but I got several hours of fun out of it before deciding I was done with it.

The music in the game is happy and upbeat but it does get repetitive because there is only one song. The game has a classic board game kind of style which is nice.

In the end I recommend that most people try the game but don't have high expectations. You'll most likely like it for a while but tire of it somewhat quickly. Once you stop playing you probably aren't going to go back to it.

-Reviewed but not properly edited by: Me

Critically Improve Yourself

Recently, Professor McKay from Trick University, affectionately known as Trick U, discovered a potion that will permanently increase your critical hit damage. This is especially great news for women that rarely fight but who might run into trouble while in parks or dark allies at night. This modern potion is a combination of ancient science and future technology. During his research McKay tried relying solely on things from the future but they just weren't stable in the present until he introduced the backwards thinking of the past to help balance it out.

When blind tests were done with the potion the results were as follows:


As you can see, participants of the trials were asked whether they felt the potion had a positive or unknown affect and as a result there were no negative responses. The potion truly is a hit with it's proponents.

This discovery is being lauded as his crowning achievement and Microsoft recently awarded him with 300 points via Xbox Live. After receiving the award from Microsoft he was quoted as saying, "But how do I see my achievements from my PS4 or Chromebook."

Some background info on Professor McKay:
Professor McKay has been a chemist for, "a while" according to his colleagues and they believe he nearly earned some type degree one time. They also believe he moved from his previous address just in case he didn't receive a degree in the mail so that he would have plausible deniability when his credentials are eventually scrutinized. McKay wanted to point out that his wishlist username on the Cauldron and Science-y Things online store is IMakeEmDuhPotions.

-Reported but not properly edited by: Me

Image stolen from:
Deviant Art: Rinni-Boo

Information Source: McKay and McKay Labs

Thursday, April 30, 2015

McKay Review

Siphex's Rating: 3/10
Platform: RL

I'm rating my friend, McKay, this time. He has most of the same features as your standard friend: arms, legs, and probably a forehead. He exhibits most of the same behaviors too like: lack of reasoning skills, odd sleeping patterns, and limited gaming prowess.

One of the main reasons he received such a low score though is his lack of control. He has trouble recognizing or acting on voice commands. McKay also lacks expansion slots for improvements. Modifying his behavior is time consuming and uninspiring at best. One atypical behavior he possesses is his extremely delayed response time to messages. Let's face it, if he was a computer he would have been disposed of by now. 

He does have a few merits, such as the ability to entertain me with foolish ideas. He, of course, presents them as possible actionable ideas, but that's what is so humorous about him. He requires little investment so if you have low expectations you might not be too disappointed. 

Transistor Review

Siphex's Rating: 9/10
Platforms: PS4
                  Steam: Windows, Linux, Mac

This is a great game and I recommend it. It has the great story telling elements of Bastion but with a whole new story. The game was developed by the same people who made Bastion so this wasn't too surprising. The game play is also unique and well thought out. It keeps you immersed with a simple on screen display that provides enough information without getting in the way.

The story is really well narrated in a similar fashion to bastion but is a little more upbeat. Transistor is the one narrating as you progress because the main character, Red, has lost her voice. The art style is incredible and unique while the transitions between areas flow just perfectly. The futuristic setting of the game appealed to me as well.

The game play is separated into two parts. You can either move and attack with functions you collect or you can activate a turn based option. It may not sound exciting but it's done a unique way that I found to be impressive. You can customize the functions that Transistor utilizes to suit your style of play. The turn based mode really shines when you are low on health. It can help you evade danger and/or position you to attack better.

The only reason I knocked a point of my rating is because of the difficulty. There isn't any difficulty options. Some people play games for the story and some people play them for the challenge but not everyone has the same skill level so some difficulty options would have been nice.

Developers Website for Transistor:
Wikipedia Page: